Staff Online Application


Staff Online Application

Here’s the online employment application for High Trails Outdoor Science School, a little slice of outdoor education in the mountains of Southern California. Are you looking for the RN application? It’s right here…Nurse Online Application Right Here

We are hiring accepting applications for the 2025/26 School Year (mid-September 2025 – end of May 2026)!
If you are interested in a position during the 2024-2025 school year, please email use at about availability.

The Basics

We have 3 staff trainings during the school year: September is our largest training, with smaller trainings occurring in January and March as staffing needs dictate. It's also possible, that with the right person, we have a spot open right now. So....

Reference and Contact Information

We'll take this information and contact your references, giving them a link to an online form they can fill out to tell us all about you. If you choose to use a Letter of Reference that someone has already written for you, please include this when you submit your Resume and Cover Letter. Please Note: one of the first things we do is compare your recent job history to your list of references. Ideally, your recent supervisor is listed so we can get their impression of you in a workplace setting. If you don't list a reference for recent jobs, don't be surprised if we track them down ourselves. By filling out the below information, you agree to the following: "I authorize my references to provide High Trails with information requested in this form. I release my former employer and all persons whomever from liability regarding the furnishing of said information."

Kid Question

It’s always easier working with kids when you start a job and everything is fresh; you’re full of energy and excited, and the students respond wonderfully to this. Over time, this job gets tough…even though there are new kids each week, you’re teaching the same classes every week and it’s easy to fall into a rut. How do you keep yourself motivated and excited? How do you teach good classes and truly invest in your students week after week?

Community Question

Working here means being very close to 15-25 other staff members, day after day. A strong community makes it easy for instructors to come into work and do an incredible job. We want a community where everyone feels welcomed, accepted, and included by both returning and new staff. We also hope, that as the year progresses, people do their best to address problems and hold each other accountable in positive ways instead of reverting to tactics like talking behind others’ backs. We do our best to empower the staff, and encourage them to create and maintain this kind of community. How will you handle this kind of responsibility? How will you hold your peers accountable? How can we help you with this responsibility?

Professionalism Question

What helps us to stand apart from other outdoor science schools in our area is the level of professionalism that we demand from our staff. We insist that you have an attitude and an approach to your job that is characterized by intelligence, integrity, maturity, and thoughtfulness. We are, however, a camp, where we encourage you to be goofy and silly and to have ridiculous amounts of fun. What side do you lean more towards? How will you walk this fine line, making certain to balance both professionalism and fun?

Solution Question

Though we may aspire to it, High Trails does not run flawlessly and there are many things wrong with it. Every year staff point this out; we, in turn, continue with our theme of empowerment and encourage them, along with our help and support, to find solutions. After all; anyone can complain, but few people can fix. How comfortable will you be in an environment where you may have to work towards the solutions that make camp a better place for both students and staff? Do you have the initiative and follow through to see a problem and then fix it?

Upload Your Cover Letter and Resume

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And that's it. Double check everything. Then click the Submit button below. We should get this right away, and we'll do our best to get back to you within 48 hours (give us a bit more if you send this on a Friday night...). Feel free to follow up with an email if you have more questions. Thanks for applying...really. Now go do something outside.

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