Staff Bios


Staff Bios

Here are the outdoor education instructors and staff that make High Trails happen!


Age: 34
School, Degree, and Certifications: Oregon State – BS in Geography; EMT Certification; Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: Since starting working at High Trails, I have been an Instructor, Support Coordinator, Medic, Site Director, Director, and now co-owner. Those titles mean I’ve done pretty much everything here at High Trails – teaching, snow shoveling, medical care, sales, hiring staff, leading campfires, cooking dinner, all around problem solver and leader. And I can’t get enough!
My Philosophy as the Leader of High Trails:  Every single one of us is on a team – the team of High Trails, the team of our community, the team of this planet. Everyone should feel equal parts ownership and responsibility for the welfare of that team. That means we will all have moments to step up and shine, moments to challenge ourselves, moments to learn (and moments to have some fun).  If we are all committed to making the team the best it can be, we can foster a community that pushes us to become better teachers, community members, and humans in general, and from there make the world a healthier place to be.
Interests: Mountain biking, cooking, eating breakfast sandwiches, building things, and museuming. On a mission to visit every National Park!


Age: 32
School, Degree, and Certifications: Mount Vernon Nazarene University – BS in Biology (Environmental Track); EMT Certification; Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: Before starting at High Trails I had spent time volunteering in many forms: at camps leading ecology sessions, VBS, and for a middle school with their show choir and musicals. At High Trails since 2016, I have been an Instructor, Health & Support Coordinator, Medical Director, and now Program Director – and I loved every part. Getting to learn all the inner workings from the core of the job has allowed me to understand all facets of our Program and to confidently lead new staff from year to year.
My Philosophy as the Leader of High Trails: Work Hard, Play Hard, Rest Hard. This job requires you to Work Hard every single day, not just as an individual, but as a team member who is doing their part. On our weekends we Play Hard, whether we’re mountain biking on local trails, scrambling in J-Tree, or hanging at the beach. We are often going non-stop from week to weekend; excited to see what new adventures get underway! But then you need the all-important Rest Hard to balance it all out. Taking time for yourself to recharge, reset for the coming week, and slow down is vital to a successful time at High Trails: a time that will allow you to be fulfilled through hard work, adventurous through hard play, and replenished through hard rest.
Interests:  birding, insects, botany, hiking, baking, dancing (particularly the tap variety), and mountain biking.


Age: 29
School, Degree, and Certification: San Diego State University, B.S. in Environmental Science;  Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: I started my outdoor education journey during my junior year of college interning part-time at a local San Diego nonprofit. After a year there, once I graduated, I knew Outdoor Ed was where I wanted to be. Since then I have been working at camps full time. I have worked at High Trails since 2018 in a variety of positions – Instructor, Senior Instructor, creator of our Virtual High Trails program during COVID, Health & Support Coordinator, and Program Coordinator. In the summers, you can find be leading backpacking trips in Yosemite.
Why I Enjoy Working with Kids/My Philosophy: I attended science camp when I was in fifth grade, and it was the science and the outdoors became really cool and interesting to me. I love sharing my passion and passing on knowledge (as well as gaining some) with kids.
Interests: When I’m outdoors I enjoy hiking, kayaking, swimming, hammocking, camping and biking. When I’m indoors I like to read, cook, knit, and drink coffee. I travel as much as possible; I have been to 15 countries!


School, Degree and Certifications: California State University Chico (2015); Major: Business Administration (Marketing); Minor: International Studies; Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: Growing up next to the Sierra Nevada Mountains, I was blessed to be able to grow up Skiing/ Snowboarding in the Winters and Camping/ Hiking in the summers! As I got older friends and I would head to the canyons and rivers and just explore all there was, and when I decided to attend Chico State, it really had all the outdoor adventures one could want! Recently I had been living and teaching in Vietnam and some of the best memories where being in the jungles, riding motorbikes, and seeing another part of the world. Anytime I can get out, do something challenging in the outdoors, and just soak up the nature, I will be there!
Why I Enjoy Working With Kids/My Philosophy: As you might of read from my experience bio, I had been living and teaching English in Vietnam and it was one of the most amazing experiences of my life! I had never taught before that but I believed in myself and really wanted to give these students a teacher that they enjoyed coming to class and having fun! I believe that education is important, but we can do it in a fun and exciting way that everybody will enjoy! And after teaching for a year and a half, I was hooked, and came across an opportunity to continue to teach in an outdoor educational setting. And as fortunate as I was to grow up in the backyard of the Sierra Nevadas, I want to teach the next generation of students how important the outdoors are while incorporating teamwork, getting a little dirty, and of course having fun along the way!
Interests: My interests from my childhood have always involved being outdoors! From day 1 I remember my dad teaching me how to Ski, and really that has led me to keep pursuing my passions. I love to Snowboard, Wakeboard, and Swim! You can also find me running along trails or hanging at a music festival! Recently I have really loved international traveling, being in a foreign country where nobody speaks English and you are truly on your own, I just love those situations! Getting off the plane and not knowing where to go, that really excites and keeps me going to see what else the future has in store! So, to sum up, being outdoors, traveling, or festivals are some of my favorite hobbies!


School, Degree, and Certification: Bachelors of Science in Nursing from Sonoma State University; RN License; Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: I have worked with all different kinds of populations on medical-surgical units and helped create new families in Labor and Delivery. I was also a charge nurse administering COVID-19 vaccines.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I love working with kids because they are fun, silly and curious. They transport you back to a time when life was simple and everything was new. My philosophy is like Mrs. Frizzle, “take chances, make mistakes, get messy!” and what better place to do that than in the great outdoors.
Interests: Some of my favorite days are when I can sit in a comfy chair, drink tea and read a good book. I also love hiking, camping and just generally being outdoors.


Age: 25
School, Degree, and Certification: Vanderbilt University: BS in Child Studies; Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: I have been babysitting and nannying for 10 years and worked hard to plan engaging and interesting activities for the kids during their free time, including many outdoor activities and crafts. I have also worked at day care centers, educational summer camps and various nonprofits centering around education and child development.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I enjoy helping students cultivate their interests while fostering their creativity. My philosophy for working with kids is to listen closely so that I can meet them where they are and use their natural curiosity to help them not only grow in their current interests but to also try new things and find multiple passions. The outdoors is an ideal setting for this, as there is so much to explore.
Interests: Cooking/baking, traveling, hiking, painting, kayaking and trying new things!


Age: 23
School and Degree: San Diego State University- B.A. Liberal Studies; Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: I have volunteered in classrooms, been a substitute teacher, and most recently been teaching outdoor education in Colorado.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: My favorite part of working with students is seeing the “light-bulb” moment, when suddenly a concept makes sense. Besides this, kids teach teachers as much as teachers teach kids!
Interests: When I am not teaching outside, I am playing outside! Some of my favorite activities include peaking mountains, running, climbing, skiing, and swimming in the ocean.


Age: 23
School and Degree: I graduated from Iowa State University in May of 2022 with a degree in Animal Ecology.
Experience: I worked with the Virginia State Parks for 3 summers, teaching 10 high school girls about conservation efforts while restoring Virginia State Parks. We would work on projects like building a handicap railing for Yurts or simply doing trail maintenance while also demonstrating to the girls’ simple ways of caring for the planet like reducing the amount of water usage and buying secondhand clothing.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I enjoy working with kids because I like teaching them/ showing them things that I love about the world that we love in. By showing them these things, it teaches them how to appreciate and care for the flora and fauna that surrounds us. I enjoy watching them explore nature and them getting up close and personal with the beautiful scenery around them. Watching them see things like deer and wildflowers for the first time is a really special moment.
Interests: I love being near any body of water, whether it is a river, lake, or ocean, I love being surrounded by bodies of water. I love kayaking and paddleboarding. I enjoy reading whenever I have a moment to relax. But mostly, I love camping. Waking up to birds calling outside your tent and seeing the flora that surrounds you is beautiful. Just being able to disconnect from the chaos of your everyday life to enjoy the peacefulness of nature is one of a kind.


Age: 25
School and Degree: St Bonaventure University, BA in Strategic Communications and Marketing
Experience: Five years of Camp experience where I have taught film photography, STEM, lead a community service program and most recently was Program Director. The past two years I also worked for Habitat for Humanity in Buffalo, NY where I was the volunteer services and community outreach coordinator.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: First off, kids are wicked cool! When working with kids I love their genuine joy, creativity and excitement they bring for learning new things. Helping them learn in fun ways and seeing them be just as excited as I am about learning it is why I love teaching. Being able to explore nature and learn about our environment in fun ways also can’t be beat!!
Interests: Photography, climbing, hiking, reading and Music



School and Degree: University of Oklahoma, General Studies; Wilderness First Responder (WFR) Certification.
Experience: I have had many jobs over the years, everything from construction, law, and teaching in the states as well as outside of the states. I take pride in what I bring to the table and the experiences I have gained and can share with others!
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I enjoy working with kids because of energy and curiosity they tend to carry with them!
Interests: Camping, Live Music, Learning through continued Education, and Travel



Age: 25
School and Degree: University of Wisconsin-La Crosse – BS in Exercise and Sport Science
Experience: I’ve worked as a camp counselor for a number of years, a high school soccer coach, a ski instructor, I was a restaurant host and server, and I’m a healthcare worker with experience in many different environments!
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: You can learn so much working with kids, and they really make me feel like one again! I’ve become more curious, goofy, and overall, more excited about life! I strive to inspire kids and spark the same passion for the outdoors and education that I’ve had since I went to summer camp as a kid.
Interests: Passions include but are not limited to: trail running, mountain biking, rock climbing, skiing, playing guitar, reading, backpacking, cooking, canoeing, photography, and basically anything that can get me outdoors!



Age: 24
School and Degree: University of Redlands, BA in International Relations
Experience: Taught chess to kids. Worked for Utah Conservation Corp. Became a W-EMT through NOLS course.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: Treat kids with respect and they will learn a surprising amount. I love witnessing and facilitating growth in others.
Interests: Outdoors, astronomy, science, self-education, medicine, white water rafting, photography, chess


Age: 28
Experience: Swim coach and life guard, Boyscouts, kids Club attendant, Integrated pesticide management specialist
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: Working with kids is fun. They’re watching and listening! They’re mirroring and imitating the funniest and smallest things. They’re honest. At the root of a child’s concern is an admirable earnestness. That willingness is present in all of us and, in our youth, shines brilliantly with limitless potential. The wide-eyed wonder that accompanies learning and doing something new, the satisfaction and outright excitement that follows accomplishment, carves new paths in their mind that last long after our very brief interaction. My philosophy behind working with kids (being the middle-child of 7 siblings) is that everyone’s unique, with gifts and strengths only they can bring to the table. As mentors, we cheer on the cultivation of these gifts, and in turn we’re encouraging positive habits of lifelong growth.
Interests: I like to swim, particularly snorkeling out in the ocean. Every so often, you’ll pass over a stingray or an octopus tucked in a reef. I’m a big fan of hiking, camping and taking long walks down new trails and wonder which tree you’d build a tree house in. When at home I like to burden everyone in the house with my piano playing and singing. Some days sound better than others, believe me. In my quiet time, I like to take care of my little garden. I can’t say I’m especially good at it but it is something I enjoy tending to. Plants are like little pets. The latest addition to the garden is an elephant ear plant.


Age: 21
School and Degree: I went to Springfield Highschool in Akron Ohio, as well as Portage Lakes Career Center for fire academy. I graduated both schools in May of 2020 with my Highschool diploma and a Fire card, for firefighting levels 1&2.
Experience: I have had the opportunity to work for 2 summer camps over the past 5 years, for one summer I was a boating instructor, I started out as a C.I.T (counselor in training) which I then progressed into assistant program director. I have worked with children of all ages, specifically ages 7-13.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I love working with children, as the bonds you make with them can help shape not just them, but yourself as well. You get to experience a different side of yourself while working with them, you can be silly and laugh a lot while also showing them what a good positive role model looks like. Children can be so funny, they have their own sense of humor.
Interests: I enjoy skating, hiking with friends, and watching marvel. I love to cook, especially pasta! I like to go on long drives and hangout with my dogs. I love to be out on the water, whether that’s kayaking, paddleboarding or even canoeing.


Age: 23
School and Degree: Harford Community College – AAS in Mass Communication/ Frostburg State University – BS in Recreation and Parks Management
Experience: Program Director at Broad Creek Memorial Scout Reservation, Outdoor Skills Director, Lifeguard, Outdoor Skills Instructor, CIT
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I really like working with kids because it is exciting to see the world through new eyes. Watching kids understand new things is a very rewarding experience. I love being able to create meaningful experiences, and help make memories. The experiences that I have had in the outdoors over the years have made me who I am, and I hope that I can pass on some of that energy.
Interests: I absolutely love the outdoors. I enjoy hiking, kayaking, backpacking, and exploring the natural world. Outside of the outdoors, I really enjoy music and the Lord of the Rings.


Age: 23
School and Degree: DePaul University- B.A. in Sociology
Experience: I started out as a summer camp volunteer before joining staff in the nature program where we taught kids all about the natural world: plant identification, survival skills, and local ecology. That’s where I fell in love with outdoor education and later focused my degree on the relationship between access to green space and mental health. In addition to working as a substitute teacher, I worked in the field as a land restorationist and educator.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: Kids ask the best questions! They are curious, funny, creative, and help me to think in new ways and from a different perspective. I think it is so important to cultivate a personal relationship with the Earth at a young age. As educators it is our responsibility to steer them in the right direction.
Interests: I love camping, backpacking, solo travel, splashing around in any body of water I can find, and foraging. Under a roof you can find me reading, doing a jigsaw puzzle, cooking new foods and laughing with friends.


Age: 24
School and Degree: Tarleton State University, B.S. in Environmental and Wildlife Sciences
Experience: I’ve had a deep love for nature since I was a child, fostering it through being involved with Boy Scouts and teaching new Scouts the skills they need to succeed. Once I got into college and took a class on environmental interpretation, I fell in love with teaching people about the world around them! I’ve spent two summers working as a program counselor at the Philmont Training Center leading mostly children on adventures through the mountains.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I love working with kids because they have a drive to learn that many adults seem to lose as they get older. It’s a very satisfying moment to see someone learn something new that has always been present within the environment around them, and to understand how connected everything is to each other and ourselves. Kids also have an infectious energy to them that helps inspire me and drive me to improve myself and learn from them as much as they learn from me.
Interests: I love being outside in general, especially hiking and camping all while cataloging and noting the wildlife and flora around me. I also like to read, write, film photography, listen to music, meeting/talking with new people, playing board games, watching movies, and learning about new things.


Age: 26
School and Degree: I graduated from Cal State University Dominguez Hills with an Anthropology Degree
Experience: I have worked in the medical field for 7 years. Although I love working with patients, nurses and doctors, my interest in the medical field has shifted to me wanting to become a teacher.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I enjoy being with kids because children are spontaneous, fun and creative. The future is in the hands of children and our job is to encourage and teach the children of the beauty and biodiversity nature has. Teaching them about the environment will hopefully make them hyperaware of their surroundings and help keep nature green.
Interests: I love to read, write poetry and recently took an interest in crocheting. On my free time I like to go into nature and explore it, whether it be on the beach, desert, mountain or park I love being in and interacting with nature.


Age: 24
School and Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from The University of West Florida
Experience: I have experience working many different types of jobs. From working at a daycare in my hometown, to working as a night kayak instructor on the Gulf of Mexico. I love jobs where I get to interact with people! Most recently, I have been working as a first-grade English teacher in Saraburi, Thailand. I have always been down for an adventure, especially when it involves getting connected to our mother earth and the people who inhabit her.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I love working with kids because as a teacher I get to introduce them to incredible experiences and information that has the ability to impact how they see the world. Kids are also simply the best! They are curious, motivated, funny, care-free, etc. they possess a lot of qualities that we often lose as adults. It is my job as a teacher to create an environment that empowers kids to flourish in these qualities and use them as a guide to learning.
Interests: My interests and hobbies change frequently as I love to try new things! Reading, being outside, traveling, baking and thrifting are among some of my favorite things to do.


Age: 25
School and Degree: I have attended some college but most educational experience is military related.
Experience: I started my adult life by joining the U.S Army as a combat medic where I proudly served in Fort Drum New York in a clinic and in the field. I was happy to lead a team of medics as well as serve as senior line medic for the unit I was attached to. I was fortunate enough to deploy alongside my unit to Iraq where I was put in charge of a Role 1 medical clinic.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: While in the military, I was responsible for training new soldiers as they came into the unit. I began to see that as the new soldiers would re-place the old, it was our responsibility to leave our units in the best, most capable hands possible for the safety of the unit as we were medics. I can see this translating well for teaching children, as they are the future. They are the ones who will inherit what we leave and the state of the younger generation is solely in our hands.
Interests: My interest revolves around the forest and mountains. The activities that are present in the setting of a less sophisticated life appeal to me. I enjoy the quiet of the woods and the things that envelop the quietness of the trees. I enjoy hunting and fishing as they are peaceful. I don’t mean to say that I don’t also enjoy excitement. My favorite wintertime activities are snowboarding and snowshoe hiking. Most things in life I have done alone and I relish the opportunity for solitude in the wild.


Age: 27
School and Degree: The University of New Mexico: Emergency Medical Services
Experience:I taught my nieces and nephews survival skills, daily life skills and more as we grew up. I was also in the military and would have to give classes to schools about the equipment and duties of my job. We also had several classes join us in a training for a few weeks to show them what people in the military do.                        Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I enjoy being able to help shape the minds of the next generation and help them learn skills for day-to-day life and other scenarios. I believe that kids should learn many skills and be able to put them to use if the need ever arises. It can help boost their confidence to be seen as dependable and helpful. I also believe kids should have a fascination of the outdoors and skills to thrive in such an environment.
Interests: I enjoy, hiking, archery, camping, shooting, anime, videogames, working out, and doing crafts.


Age: 26
School and Degree: Belmont University, BA in Social Entrepreneurship; Seminary of the Southwest, MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Experience: I started working with youth during my undergrad program where I would lead week long service trips for teenagers through the spring and summer for three years. From there, my experiences have varied greatly from working as running coach and art teacher for non-profit in Nashville to working as a line cook while also interning as a therapist in Austin. Most recently I’ve had the opportunity to work as a raft guide in the Great Smoky Mountains!
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: As we age, it can be easy to lose sight of the things that make life meaningful and fun as we get bogged down with the responsibilities of adulthood. Kids however, have a natural affinity for authenticity, curiosity, and energy, that they bring into every interaction. Working with kids and witnessing the world through their eyes is a constant reminder of the joy in simplicity and the magic of discovery especially in the outdoors.
Interests: Like most people in this field of work, a lot of my hobbies include being outside such as: gardening, hiking, white water rafting, and bird watching. I also have special interest in convincing people not from the South that biscuits and gravy is the superior breakfast food and everyone should try it.


Age: 30
School and Degree: UC Santa Barbara, 2015 graduate: Environmental Studies, B.S.; Ecology & Evolution, B.S.; Miami University of Ohio: currently enrolled: Master of Art of Teaching (MAT), Biological & Conservation Sciences
Experience: I’ve been an Outdoor Education Facilitator for Positive Adventures, providing school-year and summer camp programs around Southern California for youth aged approximately 10-15. School-year programs often have an environmental focus, from ecology topics to observation exercises, and summer camps focus more on adventure. Both types of programs value and incorporate social-emotional awareness. I’ve been a ski instructor for the past two winter seasons at Big Bear Mountain Resorts, teaching beginner lessons for kids aged 4-14. I was a camp counselor at YMCA Raintree Ranch in San Diego County for one summer in 2012. (I went to this camp when I was a kid!).
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I really enjoyed outdoor education opportunities when I was a kid (I loved sixth grade camp), so I value now getting to provide those experiences for kids. It brings me so much happiness to see kids having a fun time in outdoor programs. I love interacting with individuals one-on-one. Additionally, childhood experiences in nature are related to the formation of environmental values, so I appreciate that outdoor education experiences may facilitate the development of environmental stewardship. Supporting sustainable development is a mission in my career.
Interests: My favorite outdoor activities are trail running and skiing. On the regular, I enjoy reading about the environment, from ecological dynamics to natural resource issues. I strive to get outside every day and go on at least a short walk. I love to have quality time with friends. I enjoy electronic music, and I love going out to big, public events and meeting new people!


Age: 25
Experience: I have a lot of experience working with kids. I have been a teacher, a nanny, as well as a summer camp counselor!
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: Kids have an eager nature to learn and to play, I like being able to nurture both their curiosity and creativity and give them a safe space to be entirely themselves.
Interests: I love hiking, camping, traveling, cozying up with a good book, spending time with my friends, trying new things, eating sushi, cooking, painting, and the list goes on!


Age: 22
Experience: Besides being an older brother to 6, I’ve worked with kids since I turned 18. I worked for the parks and recreations department for my city which held events for kids as young as 4 and events for senior citizens such as toddler t-ball, haunted mazes and winter/spring/ summer camps and city wide events for every holiday. We would also work with our local special education school and host dances, rallies and tournaments! For the past two summers I also had the privilege of working in a boy scout camp in shaver lake as a camp counselor with 2 classes filled with 25+ kids as well as a part time cook.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: Kids are the future of our world. When we grow old, we will rely on our children to carry on for us. Kids are books filled with empty pages and being able to, not only help them learn something new, but also watch them develop a love and interest for nature is a feeling nothing could replace and money couldn’t buy. Some of the best memories of my child/teen hood was going to camps over the summer, meeting people from all over California, learning about different types of animals, plants, constellations and making friends that will last forever. Being able to give that feeling back, where a kid can have their “Best week of the school year” or memories they’ll cherish forever is always what drives me to be better than my best and put forward all I have. I like to work hard so the kids can play harder!
Interests: When it’s just me vs the world my pastimes consist of driving around town with my friends taking in the sites, longboarding, and strolling around, lollygagging if you will. I’ll get on my board and skate to the nearest farm or field just to hang out with the corn and the cows until it turns to night and I can gaze at the 13 stars Hanford has to offer. When I do get out of town I enjoy going to a lake, mountain, beach or trail I’ve never been to before and exploring the area until I know it like my own backyard!


Age: 24
School and Degree: BA in Biology and a certificate in Community Action and Public Policy from Connecticut College
Experience: I worked as an Americorps FoodCorps service member; which means I taught garden and cooking lessons at a school in Maine! I have worked at a few different summer camps, including a sleepaway camp. My very first job was as a ski instructor to very young kids.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: I was always the kid who asked a lot of questions growing up. I asked questions like “why is the sky blue?” and “how do trees grow?”. I love how students have their own curiosity that can take them down paths that I had never considered before. No matter where their curiosity leads them, I like hearing about what interest’s students and why it is so interesting to them. Additionally, I love being able to work with students to help them understand topics that may not come easily to them; you never know when a certain phrasing or presentation of information will spark an “aha” moment.
Interests: I have many things that I enjoy doing! I love to get outside. I especially like to run, ski, hike, and swim. I like to do yoga and dance. I’m not a particularly good dancer, but I love doing it. As for my creative or indoor hobbies, I like to cook, bake, read, knit, do pottery, and watch movies (to name a few). I am currently on a block print carving kick.


Age: 23
School and Degree: University of California, Santa Cruz
Experience: I have 5 years of experience working a wilderness camp counselor and extensive experience with the joys of the outdoors. I’m well acquainted with the ins and outs of working with children ages 10 and up and I’m a certified lifeguard.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: Being in the outdoors can be, for many kids, an unforgettable experience. Entering a new space with different expectations, where social interaction is easier and less scary, and where there’s as much room as the eye can see can drastically change anyone’s life for the better. That’s why I think all kids deserve the opportunity to have that experience at least once in their life. I enjoy working with kids because I find helping kids to grow into the best people they can possibly be to be the most fulfilling thing in the world.
Interests: I enjoy backpacking, rock climbing, and cooking. But my biggest passion is troll spotting. To troll spot you must:
1. Wander in any direction you like, hopefully one without a ton of buildings. 2. Investigate any small nook or cranny you find, maybe some small caves. Anywhere that looks like a good spot for a troll. (The undersides of bridges are the best places to look). 3. Look for anything curious, maybe some small construction or a weird rock. You might even find a troll! Usually you just find some graffiti. 4. You win, I guess? There’s not really an end goal. But it is a good way to kill some time.


Age: 25
School and Degree: UC Irvine- B.S. in Neurobiology
Experience: Experience working with children and working in research labs- both indoor and field research.
Why I enjoy working with kids / My Philosophy: Kids teach us so much about the world around us, and often help us return to the parts of us we lose as we grow into adulthood. Learning from, and being able to teach children is one of the biggest joys in this life.
Interests: Hiking, camping, paddle boarding, running, spending time with friends


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