Ambitious For Life- Caroline Burdick

When trying to figure out what I was going to write about in my blog this week, I had lots of different ideas.  The power of positivity and meditation.  Our eating habits and how they affect the way we feel and work.  The importance of people in our lives.  These subjects were what I began composing.  Then my mind wandered to our very good and wise friend that (sadly) no longer works with us:  Summer.  She recently sent me (among others) a message via Facebook with the following quote.  I know not who this quote is from, or else I would site that person as it is a brilliant passage that I feel applies to most who work here at High Trails.

“Some people do not have to search, they find their niche early in life and rest there seemingly contented and resigned.  At times I envy them, but usually I don’t understand them…and seldom do they understand me.  I am one of the searchers.  There are, I believe, millions of us.  We are not unhappy, but neither are we completely content.  We continue to explore life hoping to uncover its ultimate secret.  We continue to explore ourselves, hoping to understand.  We like to walk along the beach; we are drawn by the ocean, taken by its power and unspeakable beauty.  We like forests, mountains, deserts, hidden rivers and lovely cities as well. Our sadness is as much a part of our lives as our laughter; to share our sadness with the ones we love is perhaps as great a joy as we know, unless it is to share our laughter.  We searchers are only ambitious for life itself and for anything beautiful it can provide.  Most of all we want to live and be loved, to live in a relationship that will not imped our wanderings and prevent our search.  We do not want to prove ourselves to others or compete for love.  This passage is for wanderers, dreamers, and lovers who dare to ask of life everything which is good and beautiful.”

The reason that I am dedicating this entry to a simple quote that was sent to me by a friend is because I believe that it is extremely important to remain introspective throughout our lives.  Introspection requires the ability to look inside oneself to determine what we all really want out of our lives.  So I ask: What ambitions do you possess?  What do you want out of your life?  Do you want inner peace?  Do you want adventure?  Do you want long-lasting, meaningful friendships and relationships?  Do you want to find beauty in the small mishaps and nuances of your life?  Do you want to share your joy, laughter, and sadness with those close to you? 

Caroline Burdick

Where we work, it is more than just a job.  It is a way of life.  We have chosen to live in a beautiful area, with a community of peers and coworkers, in an isolated portion of the National Forest.  So why?  What is it that you are searching for and have you found it yet? So with this blog, I challenge you to ask yourself:  Are you ambitious for life?

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