Honorable Mentions – Amy Roth

Hey Instructors! Did you remember to thank Larry, Chris, Kevin, Greg, John or Zoeanne in the Bucket of Love (our weekly congratulatory hit list)?  If you appreciated the roots being removed from the sewer line, kudos go to Larry the plumber.  If you were a fan of the heat in your cabin or the warmth of the water in your shower—Chris the propane guy is the man for your shout out.  Kevin and Greg the food service gentlemen?  They’re the reason you burnt the roof of your mouth eating flaming marshmallows at cookout.

John?  He’s the guy who helped us get insurance so you could go to the dentist next month to get your teeth cleaned, and possibly that new cavity filled.  Honestly, Zoeanne helped too.  She was the data entry at Blue Shield processing you in the system.  Thank you Zoeanne!

High Trails is a living organism that thrives on a core of passionate educators.  It is so beautiful to watch teachers and students comment week in and week out on the hilarity of Australian-themed meals, dinosaur-print stockings, tutus and hunter’s hats, snatching students’ curiosity and developing their environmental awareness.  This is the brilliant part of our program!  But it’s thanks to drivers who brave the road to empty our dumpsters and to the maintenance men like Orville, Tony and Paul that we end up having a clean camp and are able to fix the dishwasher so we can have the chance to interpretive dance on time, while having clean cups at the next meal.

We are pretty amazing at supporting the in-our-face members of our community.  We know how good a pat on the back feels, and to a certain extent we give them because they’re the easy ones to give.  It’s important though, to keep it real and remember that High Trails is more than an eclectic group of biographies on our website.  Trace back the orchestra of resources that come together to create High Trails.  We’re the student body we mentor each year. We’re the support staff fixing our snapped off toilet handles. We’re most definitely the hard-working school teachers that put in ridiculous hours triple-checking Health Consent Forms before their student come up to camp. (Thanks teachers…)

Amy Roth

Consider your least favorite part of the day, and be honest with yourself about how that matches up to the job duties for the person who printed and then boxed up your new snazzy High Trails spring T-Shirt. His name is Rick by the way.  Pretty cool guy! These are the members of our High Trails community you might not know. What they offer, however, is absolutely invaluable to our way of life. Praise to the quiet, hidden, behind the scenes folks and a thanks for all they do each day to support our team!

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