Tag Archives | Orienteering


We Don’t Need No GPS! Brad Brainard

The day is September 11th, 2014. I am standing face to face with a weathered and worn wooden sign on the top of a mountain in the middle of Maine. The sign reads, in big, white letters, “Katahdin”. Below this are more words and numbers on the sign. The words that stand out to me […]


Magnetic North – Lauren Elysée Stansbury

Here’s a riddle: A young explorer finds a map of a buried treasure. With compass in hand, the explorer takes a perfect reading and travels for 5 miles through the wilderness. Upon arrival at the big red X, there is no treasure to be found. The map was precise, as was the compass. The explorer […]


3 Types of Navigation – Barbara Bemis

On their very first hike here, I ask students to describe where they are, big picture to little picture. Their answers generally start with the universe or solar system and work their way towards Angelus Oaks, Big Bear, or High Trails. It is exciting to see how interested they become in figuring out how many […]

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